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e-books & papers

First Annual Farming and Rural Law Conference

Primary producers face a raft of legal challenges – from structuring the family farm, to handing over the keys to the next generation. Moreover, the agribusiness industry is in a constant state of change, with increased biosecurity



About the eBook

Primary producers face a raft of legal challenges – from structuring the family farm, to handing over the keys to the next generation. Moreover, the agribusiness industry is in a constant state of change, with increased biosecurity regulations, major developments in land tenure, as well as water management. This conference examines the key regulatory and legal challenges facing primary producers and their advisers, including exploration activities, the PPSA and work health and safety issues.

Property Issues for Primary Producers

  • Issues in Farming Land Access and Exploration Activity
  • Water Management - Equity and Trust in Supply
  • Tax Implications of Buying, Holding and Transferring Rural Property
  • Land Tenure Regulation - Opportunities and Challenges for Agricultural Growth

Finance and Security Issues for Farmers

  • PPSA and Primary Producers: Personal Property Securities Over Agricultural Assets
  • Funding the Farm - Advising your Client on Legal Aspects of Finance and Debt
  • Foreign Investment in Australian Farming Land

Business Structuring and Rural Estate Planning

  • Business Structures for the Family Farm
  • Handing Over the Keys to the Tractor: Key Legal Imperatives in Rural Succession Planning
  • Restructuring Ownership of the Family Farm: Managing the Tax and Retirement Consequences

Grappling with Regulatory Challenges in Farming

  • Biosecurity Regulation - Managing Compliance and Risk in Farming
  • Managing WHS Risk in the Farming Sector: Tractors, Pollutants and Knowing What’s in Your Client’s Shed

The Faculty

Jim Harrowell AM, Partner, Hunt Hunt Lawyers, Sydney

Tom Marland, Principal, Marland Law, Brisbane

Carrie Follas, Partner, Johnson Winter Slattery, Sydney

Steven Brown, Chairman, Etienne Lawyers, Sydney

Chris Boge, Special Counsel, Clayton Utz, Brisbane

Andrew Rider, Barrister, Level 22 Chambers, Sydney

Peter Mills, Special Counsel, Thynne Macartney, Brisbane

Russell Postle, Consultant, BDO, Brisbane

Paul Muntz, Partner, Fleming Muntz Solicitors, Albury, NSW

Frances Becker, Senior Associate, McCullough Robertson Lawyers, Brisbane

Andrew Gill, Partner, MinterEllison, Canberra

Jamie Robinson, Consultant, Broadley Rees Hogan, Brisbane

Andrew Bukowski, Senior Associate, McCullough Robertson Lawyers, Brisbane


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