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Seventh Annual SMSF Audit Conference

Recent high-profiles cases have arguably redefined the role of the SMSF auditor and raised the bar on auditor duties and responsibilities. Television Education Network’s 7th Annual SMSF Audit Conference unpacks these ground-breakin



About the eBook

Recent high-profiles cases have arguably redefined the role of the SMSF auditor and raised the bar on auditor duties and responsibilities. Television Education Network’s 7th Annual SMSF Audit Conference unpacks these ground-breaking decisions and how auditors can best minimise their legal risks in this new landscape. This year’s conference also provides a regulatory update from the ATO, as well as a deep dive into how to audit SMSFs with pensions post super reforms.

Legal Liability of SMSF Auditors: Minimising Your Risk

  • Raising the Bar: A New Era in Auditor Liability and the Duty of Care?

  • Asset Valuations Post Baumgartner

  • Shouldering the Weight of the Investment Strategy: A Heavy Burden for SMSF Auditors

  • The Sole Purpose Test and the Fund Auditor

Challenges in Conducting the Audit

  • Auditing SMSFs with Pensions Post Super Reforms

  • Steering a Rudderless Ship: Auditing SMSFs Following Member Death or Incapacity

  • Investigating Tricky Transactions - Red Flags the Auditor Must Heed

SMSF Auditors and the Regulators

  • Auditing the Auditors: What to do when the Regulator Comes Knocking

  • Insights from the ATO: What’s in Store for 2019/20?

  • SMSF Audit Question and Answer Session

The SMSF Auditor Skill Set

  • Auditor Scepticism - Sharpening the Auditor’s Core Skill Set

  • SMSF Audit Documentation as a Risk Management Tool

The Faculty

Belinda Aisbett, Director, Super Sphere, Melbourne

Sharlene Anderson, Veritas Audit, Gold Coast

Jeremy Peck, Partner, Moray Agnew, Melbourne

Shelley Banton, Executive General Manager, ASF Audits, Newcastle

Daniel Prunty, Director, Veritas Audit, Gold Coast

Kellie Grant, Director of SMSF Auditors Portfolio, Australian Taxation Office, Melbourne


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Officer, Natasha De Paola on (03) 8601 7721 or email: [email protected]

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