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e-books & papers

Seventh Annual Trusts and Companies Taxation Symposium

The tax landscape is constantly evolving and the challenges facing tax advisers continue to grow. This year’s symposium examines unpacks these complexities, including the future of trusts, the ATO’s current position on reimbursemen



About the eBook

The tax landscape is constantly evolving and the challenges facing tax advisers continue to grow. This year’s symposium examines unpacks these complexities, including the future of trusts, the ATO’s current position on reimbursement position, and trust resolutions for small business CGT concessions. Other highlights include Division 7A challenges, clearing the tax decks for the sale of business, and managing distributions in cross-border trusts.

Taxation of Trusts

  • Next Exit: Trusts?

  • Section 100A Reimbursement Agreements: When is a Dealing Between Family Members Not in the Course of Ordinary Family Dealing?

  • Trust Resolutions for Small Business CGT Concessions and Income Recharacterisation

Technical Challenges for Advisers

  • A Deep Dive into Loan Accounts

  • Amending Trust Deeds and Avoiding Tax Nasties

Tax Issues Affecting Companies

  • Clearing the Tax Decks – Getting a Business Ready for Sale

  • Bringing in New Investors in Family Businesses

  • Damocles’ Sword: The Future of Division 7A

Cross Border Issues

  • Managing Distributions in Cross-Border Trusts

The Faculty

Andrea Carrick, Director, AG Tax Lawyers, Melbourne

Michael Butler, Tax Revenue Partner, Finlaysons, Adelaide

Linda Tapiolas, Partner, Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers, Brisbane

Mark Gioskos, Senior Associate, Thomson Geer Lawyers, Melbourne

Patrick Ellwood, Director, Clover Law, Brisbane

Damian O’Connor, Principal Chartered Tax Advisor, Tax + Law, Brisbane

Mark Robertson, Queens Counsel, Sydney Brisbane

Mark Molesworth, Partner, BDO (Qld)

Philip Diviny, Partner, Madgwicks Lawyers, Melbourne


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Officer, Natasha De Paola on (03) 8601 7721 or email: [email protected]

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