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e-books & papers

Fourth Annual Melbourne Employment Law Conference

Our annual employment law conference (held at the Gold Coast in August every year) draws HR professionals and employment lawyers from across the country. It is one of our most popular conferences and that is why we are repeating th



About the eBook

Our annual employment law conference (held at the Gold Coast in August every year) draws HR professionals and employment lawyers from across the country. It is one of our most popular conferences and that is why we are repeating this event in Melbourne in February 2019 for all those who couldn’t get to the Gold Coast. This year’s employment law conference explores some of the major issues troubling employers and their advisors, from choosing the right engagement type when hiring employees, to managing change and redundancy in the workplace. We also examine the effect of the #metoo movement, the rising gig economy, as well as how to manage a flexible workplace with inflexible staff.

The Lifecycle of the Employment Relationship

  • Horses for Courses: Choosing the Right Engagement Type When Hiring Employees
  • Managing the Risks of Misrepresentations in the Recruitment Process
  • Documentation Essentials for Employers: Dodging the Traps in Employment Contracts
  • The Challenges of Change Management

Flexibility, Adjustments and the Changing Workforce

  • Managing a Flexible Workplace with Inflexible Staff
  • The Future of Work in Australia in a Gig Economy
  • Mental Health and Managing Employee Performance

Contemporary Challenges in the Modern Workforce

  • #metoo, the Harvey Weinstein Effect and Managing the Legal Fallout
  • Social Media, Keyboard Warriors and Employer’s Obligations in a Digital World
  • Fit for Work and Employer’s Obligations

Industrial Relations Issues Facing Employers

  • The Future of the BOOT and Loaded Rates in Enterprise Agreements
  • Rights and Strategies when Dealing with Unions: Recent Reforms Under the Spotlight

The Faculty

Nick Ruskin, Partner, K L Gates, Melbourne

Stephen Woodbury, Partner, Ashurst, Sydney

Ben Dudley, Partner, Seyfarth Shaw Australia, Sydney

Jamie Wells, Partner, King Wood Mallesons, Brisbane

Kristin Gamble, Employment Relations Manager, BHP, Brisbane

Danny King, Principal, Danny King Legal, Sydney

Belinda Winter, Partner, Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers, Brisbane

Kirsty Faichen, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills, Brisbane

Mark Howard, Partner, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers, Melbourne

Adrian Barwick, Special Counsel, WilliamsonBarwick, Sydney

Murray Procter, Partner, ClarkeKann Lawyers, Brisbane

Lindy Richardson, Partner, Maddocks, Melbourne


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Officer, Natasha De Paola on (03) 8601 7721 or email: [email protected]

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