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e-books & papers

Fourth Annual Melbourne Family Law Conference

Family law practice is constantly changing and the challenges facing practitioners continue to evolve. Our annual family law conference examines some of the major themes which have dominated the family law landscape. This year is n



About the eBook

Family law practice is constantly changing and the challenges facing practitioners continue to evolve. Our annual family law conference examines some of the major themes which have dominated the family law landscape. This year is no exception: we have an important High Court decision to unpack involving parenting matters, and the globalising world community has brought international property and child support matters to the fore.

The conference also includes a presentation on each of the compulsory subjects specifically designed for family lawyers.

Property Matters

  • Section 79A and Setting Aside Property Orders
  • Material Changes in Circumstances, Impracticability Issues and the Enforceability of Financial Agreements
  • Assessing Interests and Contributions in Family Law Cases – How Does it All Add Up?
  • Cross Jurisdictional Matters and Dealing with Overseas Property

Children and Parenting Issues

  • Parenting Disputes and the Child’s Best Interests Following the High Court’s Decision in Bondelmonte
  • Child Support and Overseas Payers – When Maintenance Obligations Extend Beyond the Border

Courtroom Procedural Issues

  • Caught on Camera: The Admissibility of Audio and Video Recordings in Family Law Matters
  • Contravention and Contempt Hearings: A Guide for Family Lawyers
  • The Impact of Death on Family Law Proceedings

Compulsory CPD Subjects

  • Ethics: Complying with Instructions – Managing Client Expectation in Family Law Matters
  • Practice Management Business Skills: Strategy and Procedure When Staring Down the Barrel of a Disciplinary Complaint
  • Professional Skills: Impact of Substance Abuse in Parenting Matters

The Faculty

Ian Kennedy AM, Senior Partner, Kennedy Partners, Melbourne

Gerry Holmes, Barrister, Victorian Bar, Melbourne

Jacky Campbell, Partner and Accredited Family Law Specialist, Forte Family Lawyers, Melbourne

Barry Berger, Partner, Berger Kordos Lawyers, Melbourne

Amy Sanders-Robbins, Principal, Bespoke Family Lawyers, Brisbane

Graeme Hearl, Senior Partner, Delaney Lawyers, Sydney

Jeff Stanley, Barrister, Victorian Bar, Melbourne

Justine Woods, Partner and Accredited Family Law Specialist, Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers, Brisbane

Adam Cooper, Principal, Cooper Family Law, Brisbane

Cathie Blanchfield, Principal, Blanchfield Nicholls Partners, Sydney

Jeff Marhinin, Partner and Accredited Family Law Specialist, Barcus Doolan Family Lawyers, Sydney

Monica Blizzard, Equity Director, KHQ Lawyers, Melbourne

Peter Magee, Partner, Armstrong Legal, Sydney


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Officer, Natasha De Paola on (03) 8601 7721 or email: [email protected]

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