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Second Annual Cross Border Tax and Estate Planning for Private Clients and SMEs Symposium

In our global marketplace, an increasing number of clients are investing in overseas assets, or looking to expand their family businesses offshore. Equally, clients are increasingly likely to have beneficiaries resident or domiciled outside of Australia. The tax chall



About the eBook

In our global marketplace, an increasing number of clients are investing in overseas assets, or looking to expand their family businesses offshore. Equally, clients are increasingly likely to have beneficiaries resident or domiciled outside of Australia. The tax challenges can be complex and the challenges for advisers are significant. This in-depth symposium provides ten one-hour presentations designed to examine the tax and estate planning issues involved in advising clients in this ever-expanding space, including residency issues, death taxes and cross-border estate planning.


International Tax Issues for Australian Residents and SMEs

  • The Best Hits Playlist: International Tax Issues for Australian Residents Going Global
  • Leaving the Nest: SMEs and International Tax
  • Transfer Pricing for Small and Medium Enterprises

Cross Border Tax Issues for Inbound Investors

  • Measuring the Impact of the Common Reporting Standards and Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
  • Advising Foreign Purchasers and Owners of Australian Property: The Reform Juggernaut Rolls On

Tax Issues in Cross Border Estate Planning

  • Cross Border Estate Planning for Modern Families
  • Looking A Gift Horse in the Mouth: Australian Tax Consequences of An Overseas Inheritance
  • Protecting Executors from Cross Border Tax Liabilities of the Estate

Inheritance and Death Taxes

  • The Two Certainties of Life: A Survey of Death Taxes
  • Tax Issues for US Citizen Beneficiaries Residing in Australia

The Faculty

Ross Higgins, Partner, Mills Oakley, Melbourne


Michael Butler, Tax Revenue Partner, Finlaysons, Adelaide


Raffi Tenenbaum, Tax Partner, KPMG, Melbourne


Aileen O’Carroll, Partner-Tax, Pitcher Partners, Melbourne


Vanessa Priest, Partner, Baskin Clarke, Sydney


Kirsty McDonnell, Partner, Baskin Clarke, Sydney


Ron Jorgensen, Partner, Thomson Geer Lawyers, Melbourne


Bernie O’Sullivan, Principal, Bernie O’Sullivan Lawyers, Melbourne


David Hughes, Partner, McCullough Robertson, Brisbane


Anna Wilson, Barrister, Victorian Bar, Melbourne


Matthew Burgess, Director, View Legal


James Whiley, Special Counsel, Hall Wilcox, Sydney


David Laanemaa, Managing Director, Back9 Capital Management, Sydney


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Officer, Natasha De Paola on (03) 8601 7721 or email: [email protected]

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