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e-books & papers

First Annual Law of Religious Institutions Conference

The legal and regulatory challenges facing religious institutions and their advisers have never been greater. Managing child safety obligations and responding to allegations continue to be issues that are front and centre for many



About the eBook

The legal and regulatory challenges facing religious institutions and their advisers have never been greater. Managing child safety obligations and responding to allegations continue to be issues that are front and centre for many religious institutions. This conference examines the key lessons and practical strategies to take in a post-Royal Commission landscape, along with sessions on religious freedom, employment law issues, and governance.

Child Safety

  • Managing Conducting Investigations in Religious Institutions

  • Management of Persons of Concern

  • Settlements in Child Abuse Matters: Where To From Here?

  • Civil Liability for Clergy Child Abuse

Governance and Law Reform

  • A Director by any Other Name: Duties of Board and Committee Members of Religious Institutions

  • The Fine Line Between Religious Freedom and Australia’s Discrimination Laws

  • The Fate of the Basic Religious Charity

Employment Law Issues Facing Religious Institutions

  • The Ordained: Employed or Called by God?

  • Managing Volunteers in Religious Institutions

  • Managing Bullying Harassment in a Religious Setting

Contemporary Challenges

  • Pastoral Care, Religious Institutions and Supporting Mental Wellbeing

  • Document, Document, Document: Effective Records Management and Data Protection in Religious Institutions

The Faculty

David Ford, Partner, Emil Ford Lawyers, Sydney

Rebecca Lambert-Smith, Team Leader, Not For Profits, Moores, Melbourne

Amanda Ryding, Partner, Colin Biggers Paisley, Sydney

Garth Blake AM SC, Barrister, 8th Floor Wentworth Chambers, Sydney

Andrew Lind, Director, Corney Lind Lawyers, Brisbane

Skye Rose, Principal, Moores, Melbourne

Mark Fowler, Director, Fowler Charity Law, Sydney

Luke Geary, Partner, Mills Oakley, Brisbane

Adam Foster, Senior Associate, Macpherson Kelley, Melbourne

Philip Brewin, Director, Nevett Ford Lawyers, Melbourne

Sarah Rey, Partner, Justitia, Melbourne

Leah Mooney, Special Counsel, MinterEllison, Brisbane


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