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GST and Property one day conference - e-book

GST can apply to property transactions in the most surprising ways, because the ways on which property transactions are treated varies: they can be taxable supplies, input taxed supplies or GST-free supplies, depending on the natur



About the eBook

GST can apply to property transactions in the most surprising ways, because the ways on which property transactions are treated varies: they can be taxable supplies, input taxed supplies or GST-free supplies, depending on the nature of the beast. And because professional advisers who facilitate the transaction are property specialists rather than tax experts GST issues can easily be missed. The result? Unhappy clients!

These one-day conferences are designed to provide professionals who advise on property transactions a practical understanding of how GST interacts with property transactions. Chief among these is residential property developments, where developers have to decide whether to treat sales as taxable supplies or use the margin scheme. And recent changes to the law mean that purchasers will have to withhold GST at settlement and remit the monies to the ATO.

Then there is the Mum and Dad developer who just want to build a couple of units on their residential property and hive of the second to generate some cash. Do they need to register for GST? If they are registered, do they need to be? And of course you have the problem of the contract gone wrong because of GST: no-one thought of it, so can the purchaser call for a tax invoice and claim an input tax credit?

  1. The New GST Withholding Regime: Changes to the GST Compliance Burden Involving New Premises
  2. GST Registration, the Meaning of Enterprise and the Mum and Dad Developer
  3. Margin Scheme Howlers: Avoiding them Before They Happen
  4. Change of Use and the Dithering Developer
  5. Sales of Real Property as Going Concerns: Still Worth the Candle?
  6. GST Clauses in Property Contracts: Getting It Right

The Faculty

John Haig, Indirect Tax Specialist, Melbourne

Andrew Sommer, Partner, Clayton Utz, Sydney

Matthew Cridland, Director - Indirect Tax, K L Gates, Sydney

Chris Sievers, Barrister, Victorian Bar, Melbourne

Chris Tang, Senior Associate, MinterEllison, Sydney


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Officer, Natasha De Paola on (03) 8601 7721 or email: [email protected]

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