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Parents, 'Pre-Nups' & Pressure - How to Prepare a Watertight BFA to Protect Family Wealth

Binding financial agreements, particularly pre-nuptial agreements, can be an integral part of a wealthy family’s approach to intergenerational wealth transfer. In this program, Geoff Wilson, from HopgoodGanim in Brisbane, provides a guide to advising on, preparing and implementing


About the Podcast

Binding financial agreements, particularly pre-nuptial agreements, can be an integral part of a wealthy family’s approach to intergenerational wealth transfer. In this program, Geoff Wilson, from HopgoodGanim in Brisbane, provides a guide to advising on, preparing and implementing a watertight binding financial agreements in this context.

Featuring: Geoff Wilson, HopgoodGanim, Brisbane

[39 minutes] [0.65 CPD hours]

Presented By

Geoff Wilson
HopgoodGanim Lawyers

CPD Information

0.65 CPD Hours

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