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Individual Podcasts

Impact of Substance Abuse in Parenting Matters

Substance abuse by one or both parents is often raised as an issue in parenting cases before the family courts. In this program, Amelia Trotman, from Armstrong Legal in Brisbane, provides a guide to the extent and nature of substance abuse allegations in the courts, and the issues


About the Podcast

Substance abuse by one or both parents is often raised as an issue in parenting cases before the family courts. In this program, Amelia Trotman, from Armstrong Legal in Brisbane, provides a guide to the extent and nature of substance abuse allegations in the courts, and the issues facing family lawyers in preparing a case where allegations of substance abuse are proposed or have been made. Topics covered include: evidence gathering; orders for drug testing; expert evidence; and the impact of positive substance abuse test results on the parenting orders that may be made by the court.

Featuring: Amelia Trotman, Armstrong Legal, Brisbane

[30.53 minutes] [0.51 CPD hours]

Presented By

Amelia Trotman
Special Counsel, Armstrong

CPD Information

0.01 CPD Hours

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