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Individual Podcasts

Trust Vesting - Tax Consequences of Amending the Vesting Date

Trust vesting is on the agenda after the ATO released TR 2018/6 in August 2018. This session explores a wide range of issues relating to trust vesting using practical examples, including the implications of vesting, strategies around delaying or bringing forward vesting. Featurin


About the Podcast

Trust vesting is on the agenda after the ATO released TR 2018/6 in August 2018. This session explores a wide range of issues relating to trust vesting using practical examples, including the implications of vesting, strategies around delaying or bringing forward vesting.

Featuring: Patrick Ellwood, Clover Law, Brisbane

[26.01 minutes] [0.43 CPD hours]

Presented By

Patrick Ellwood
Director, Clover Law Brisbane, Qld

Patrick Ellwood is a lawyer with over a decade of experience assisting high net worth individuals and family business owners.

He is the founder of Clover Law, an Australian law firm specialising in tax structuring, estate planning, superannuation and asset protection.

He is a regular speaker for a range of private and professional bodies and is a published author of a number of legal textbooks.

CPD Information

0.00 CPD Hours

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