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Individual Podcasts

ATO Compliance: Are You Audit Ready?

As the ATO’s compliance processes become increasingly risk based and targeted, taxpayers and advisers have an opportunity to stay ahead by managing the audit process proactively. This session explores which industries and issues are currently under the ATO audit spotlight; what ta


About the Podcast

As the ATO’s compliance processes become increasingly risk based and targeted, taxpayers and advisers have an opportunity to stay ahead by managing the audit process proactively. This session explores which industries and issues are currently under the ATO audit spotlight; what taxpayers and advisers can do to prepare for the possibility of audit; and what to do in the event that an audit eventuates.

Featuring: Philip Diviny, Madgwicks Lawyers, Melbourne

[25.11 minutes] [0.42 CPD hours]

Presented By

Philip Diviny
Partner, Consulting Principal, Keypoint

CPD Information

0.00 CPD Hours

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