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Property Related Taxes Update (Victoria)

Property related taxes are constantly changing and developing in Victoria, with new taxes being imposed, and the ambit and extent of existing taxes being tested in VCAT or the Supreme Court. In this program, barrister Simon Tisher, from the Victorian Bar, reviews recent legislativ


About the Podcast

Property related taxes are constantly changing and developing in Victoria, with new taxes being imposed, and the ambit and extent of existing taxes being tested in VCAT or the Supreme Court. In this program, barrister Simon Tisher, from the Victorian Bar, reviews recent legislative changes and cases, and their implications. The program covers, new taxes including: the foreign purchaser duty; the absentee land owner tax surcharge; and the vacant residential land tax; and case law, in relation to exemptions from transfer duty and land tax.

Featuring: Simon Tisher, Barrister, Victorian Bar, Melbourne

[32.50 minutes] [0.53 CPD hours]

Presented By

Simon Tisher
Barrister, Victorian Bar Melbourne, Vic

Simon Tisher has been a barrister at the Victorian Bar since May 2003. He is well known and respected as a barrister and within the tax profession.

Most of Simon’s experience at the Bar pertains to tax matters (state and federal) and matters related to taxation: superannuation, insolvency, bankruptcy and professional indemnity claims (commonly involving tax advice). He also has sound experience in commercial litigation matters.

Simon was included in the category of “Leading Tax Barristers - Victoria” in Doyles Guide in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and in Best Lawyers (Tax Law, 2021 edition). He acts for taxpayers and for the Australian Taxation Office, led and unled, in disputes ranging from small individual matters to large corporate tax disputes. Simon also has a busy advisory practice.

Simon has published several articles in the Law Institute Journal and Taxation in Australia, and is the author of the tax chapter of de Groot’s Wills, Probate and Administration Practice (Victoria). He is heavily involved with the Tax Institute and is chair of its State Taxes Committee. He is a frequent presenter to organisations such as Television Education Network, the Tax Institute and Legalwise Seminars

CPD Information

0.01 CPD Hours

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