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Individual Podcasts

Easements and Covenants: Practical Procedures and Best Practice (Victoria)

Easements and covenants over land in Victoria can raise a variety of legal and practical problems. In this program, barrister William Rimmer, from the Victorian Bar, identifies: the types of easements that can burden land, their interpretation, and when and how they can be created


About the Podcast

Easements and covenants over land in Victoria can raise a variety of legal and practical problems. In this program, barrister William Rimmer, from the Victorian Bar, identifies: the types of easements that can burden land, their interpretation, and when and how they can be created, surrendered or removed; in relation to covenants, the types of covenants that can be encountered and/or created, and the unexpected challenges that some covenants can raise in planning applications; and law reform issues that need to be addressed.

[35.24 minutes] [0.58 CPD units]

Presented By

William Rimmer

CPD Information

0.00 CPD Hours

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