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Individual Podcasts

Tax Imperatives for Family Lawyers

While the main focus for parties, and their advisers, in negotiating a property settlement or binding financial agreement, is on how the assets should be split between spouses, the tax implications must not be overlooked. In this program, Patrick Ellwood, from Clover Law in Queens


About the Podcast

While the main focus for parties, and their advisers, in negotiating a property settlement or binding financial agreement, is on how the assets should be split between spouses, the tax implications must not be overlooked. In this program, Patrick Ellwood, from Clover Law in Queensland, highlights the income tax, CGT, and stamp duty implications of a property split, including the special tax issues affecting companies and trusts, and how they can and should be taken into account in drafting orders or financial agreements.

Featuring: Patrick Ellwood, Clover Law, Queensland

[28.28 minutes] [0.47 CPD hours]

Presented By

Patrick Ellwood
Director, Clover Law Brisbane, Qld

Patrick Ellwood is a lawyer with over a decade of experience assisting high net worth individuals and family business owners.

He is the founder of Clover Law, an Australian law firm specialising in tax structuring, estate planning, superannuation and asset protection.

He is a regular speaker for a range of private and professional bodies and is a published author of a number of legal textbooks.

CPD Information

0.00 CPD Hours

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