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Individual Podcasts

Common Traps in Retail Leases (Victoria)

Disputes in relation to retail leases, regulated by the Retail Leases Act 2003 (Victoria), can be disastrous for both landlords and tenants. In this program, Max Cameron and Jordan Engwerda, from MinterEllison in Melbourne, identify the common mistakes and errors in such retail le


About the Podcast

Disputes in relation to retail leases, regulated by the Retail Leases Act 2003 (Victoria), can be disastrous for both landlords and tenants. In this program, Max Cameron and Jordan Engwerda, from MinterEllison in Melbourne, identify the common mistakes and errors in such retail leases, and how potential disputes can be avoided. Topics covered include: when is lease a retail lease, transfers and assignments; obligations to make good; and early termination of a lease.

[38.21 minutes] [0.63 CPD hours]

Presented By

Maxwell Cameron
Minter Ellison
Jordan Engwerda
Minter Ellison

CPD Information

0.00 CPD Hours

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