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Individual Podcasts

Restructuring Structures That Do Not Work: Maximising Tax Effectiveness

The tax issues in property development can be complex at the best of times and having the development in the wrong structure exacerbates the problems. This session explores the options available for restructuring property development structures that don’t work, including discussio


About the Podcast

The tax issues in property development can be complex at the best of times and having the development in the wrong structure exacerbates the problems. This session explores the options available for restructuring property development structures that don’t work, including discussion of the rollovers and pros and cons of different options available.

Featuring: Philip Diviny, Madgwicks, Melbourne

[27.59 minutes] [0.47 CPD hours]

Presented By

Philip Diviny
Partner, Consulting Principal, Keypoint

CPD Information

0.01 CPD Hours

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