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Individual Podcasts

COVID-19: Managing the Workplace Risks in Your Business

As COVID-19 continues to spread across the country, the outbreak has given rise to issues that every employer must address about their workforce. In this program, Alison Baker, from Hall Wilcox in Melbourne, provides us with practical advice for dealing with the key challenges emp


About the Podcast

As COVID-19 continues to spread across the country, the outbreak has given rise to issues that every employer must address about their workforce. In this program, Alison Baker, from Hall Wilcox in Melbourne, provides us with practical advice for dealing with the key challenges employers are facing, including leave requirements during isolation, standown provisions, and navigating work from home arrangements.

[25.44 minutes] [0.42 CPD units]

Presented By

Alison Baker
Partner, Hall

CPD Information

0.01 CPD Hours

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