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Individual Podcasts

COVID-19: National Leasing Code of Conduct and NSW Regulations

The COVID-19 lockdown has had many knock-on effects in the business world that are keeping the legal profession on its collective toes. One of the greatest problems has been commercial leases. How can tenants unable to pay their rent because of forced shutdowns be protected while


About the Podcast

The COVID-19 lockdown has had many knock-on effects in the business world that are keeping the legal profession on its collective toes. One of the greatest problems has been commercial leases. How can tenants unable to pay their rent because of forced shutdowns be protected while affording landlords the income which they need to meet their obligations? This presentation by Gary Newton of HWL Ebsworth covers the National Leasing Code of Conduct agreed by the national cabinet as it applies in NSW and covers rent waiver and deferral, treatment of outgoings and enforcement, as well as scope and application of the Code and the NSW regulations made to give effect to it.

[38 minutes] [0.63 CPD units]

Presented By

Gary Newton
Partner, HWL

CPD Information

0.63 CPD Hours

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