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Individual Podcasts

The Reign of Confusion: Base Rate Entity Tax Issues

26.5%, 27.5% or 30%? The appropriate rate of taxation for small businesses over the past five years continues to confuse and befuddle. This session explains the tax rate position and how it’s changed from 2015 onwards, having regard to the different tests which apply, and the guid


About the Podcast

26.5%, 27.5% or 30%? The appropriate rate of taxation for small businesses over the past five years continues to confuse and befuddle. This session explains the tax rate position and how it’s changed from 2015 onwards, having regard to the different tests which apply, and the guidance released by the ATO.

Featuring: Raffi Tenenbaum, Prosperity Advisers Group, Sydney

[29.41 minutes] [0.48 CPD hours]

Presented By

Raffi Tenenbaum
Director Taxation Services, Prosperity

CPD Information

0.01 CPD Hours

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