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Individual Podcasts

Selling a Business - Managing the Back End of the Deal

It is not unusual in a sale of business transaction for the parties to agree that the final purchase price will depend on the performance of the business post completion, commonly referred to as earn out arrangements, In this program, Toby Norgate, from Colin Biggers Paisley Lawye


About the Podcast

It is not unusual in a sale of business transaction for the parties to agree that the final purchase price will depend on the performance of the business post completion, commonly referred to as earn out arrangements, In this program, Toby Norgate, from Colin Biggers Paisley Lawyers in Melbourne, provides a guide to; the basis of such arrangements in allocating risk between the parties; the negotiating and drafting of the agreement to protect the interests of both parties; and avoiding disputes.

[34.21 minutes] [0.57 CPD units]

Presented By

Toby Norgate
Colin Biggers & Paisley

CPD Information

0.00 CPD Hours

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