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Individual Podcasts

What the Family Court Doesn't Realise About Unrealised Tax Liabilities

An increasingly common source of disagreements between parties in property settlement proceedings and negotiations is whether unrealised tax liabilities can and should be taken into account in determining the assets available for division, or as an adjustment under Family Law Act


About the Podcast

An increasingly common source of disagreements between parties in property settlement proceedings and negotiations is whether unrealised tax liabilities can and should be taken into account in determining the assets available for division, or as an adjustment under Family Law Act 1975 (FLA), s 75(2). In this program, forensic accountant Nick Gaudion, from Cutcher Neale in Sydney, raises the issue of where the Family Court can, and should, be persuaded to change its attitude to such tax liabilities, and the approach that needs to be taken to try and bring about that change. Topics covered include unrealised capital gains tax liability; franking credits and retained profits; Division 7A loan agreements; and valuing unrealised tax liabilities.

[25.55 minutes] [0.43 CPD units]

Presented By

Nick Gaudion
Director – Forensic Accounting, Cutcher

CPD Information

0.01 CPD Hours

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