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Alternative Dispute Resolution - Starting With End in Mind

The use of alternative dispute resolution to settle commercial disputes is becoming increasing common, requiring lawyers to advise clients about the options available, and the planning and management of the process. In this program, Geoffrey Adelstein, from Adelstein Solicitors in


About the Podcast

The use of alternative dispute resolution to settle commercial disputes is becoming increasing common, requiring lawyers to advise clients about the options available, and the planning and management of the process. In this program, Geoffrey Adelstein, from Adelstein Solicitors in Sydney, provides a guide to the best approach in deciding when and how to settle a commercial dispute through ADR, including: the types of ADR available and when to use them; preparing for, and managing, the ADR strategy and process; and fairness and natural justice in ADR.

[41.42 minutes] [0.69 CPD units]

Presented By

Geoffrey Adelstein
Adelsteins Solicitors

CPD Information

0.01 CPD Hours

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