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Individual Podcasts

The Investment Strategy - Keeping the ATO Onside

Self-managed superannuation funds are required to develop an investment strategy and to follow it - and the ATO are starting to examine whether these obligations are being met. This session explores what is required to be included in an investment strategy, how the investment stra


About the Podcast

Self-managed superannuation funds are required to develop an investment strategy and to follow it - and the ATO are starting to examine whether these obligations are being met. This session explores what is required to be included in an investment strategy, how the investment strategy is to be applied, and what advice SMSF advisers can give to SMSF trustees in this respect.

Featuring: Ian Burgess, EY, Brisbane

[32.52 minutes] [0.54 CPD hours]

Presented By

Ian Burgess
Partner, Ernst

CPD Information

0.01 CPD Hours

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