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Individual Podcasts

Electronic Signing - A Property Law Practitioner Perspective (Vic)

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of electronic signing of documents in property transactions in Victoria, with the process facilitated by at first temporary and now permanent, changes to the Victorian Electronic Transactions Act 2000, and other relevant legislati


About the Podcast

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of electronic signing of documents in property transactions in Victoria, with the process facilitated by at first temporary and now permanent, changes to the Victorian Electronic Transactions Act 2000, and other relevant legislation. In this program, property lawyer Mark Burrows, from Lander Rogers in Melbourne, provides a guide to the validity of electronic signatures from property practitioner’s perspective, and the relevant common law and statutory rules.

[29 minutes] [0.48 CPD units]

Presented By

Mark Burrows
Property Lawyer, Lander

CPD Information

0.48 CPD Hours

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