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Individual Podcasts

The Family Law Litigation Tool Box: Utilising Less Commonly Used Interlocutory Steps

Family lawyers have had to face the challenges of adapting to the changed landscape of family law litigation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly electronic hearings, and it does not look like we will be returning to pre-COVID practices and procedures for some time,


About the Podcast

Family lawyers have had to face the challenges of adapting to the changed landscape of family law litigation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly electronic hearings, and it does not look like we will be returning to pre-COVID practices and procedures for some time, if at all. In this program, barrister Sally Bastik, from the Victorian Bar, looks at issues that need to be considered in preparing for electronic hearings, as well as looking at some of the less commonly used processes that can be usefully adopted in such proceedings.

[47 minutes] [0.78 CPD units]

Presented By

Sally Bastick
Barrister, Victorian

CPD Information

0.78 CPD Hours

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