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Individual Podcasts

ATO Insights: Taxable Payment Reporting Systems

The end of the financial year brings with it employer obligations to finalise employee pay details on a timely basis. However, it may not be as front of mind for practitioners that a further requirement applies for certain businesses to report to the ATO payments made to contracto


About the Podcast

The end of the financial year brings with it employer obligations to finalise employee pay details on a timely basis. However, it may not be as front of mind for practitioners that a further requirement applies for certain businesses to report to the ATO payments made to contractors and subcontractors. In this podcast, ATO Assistant Commissioner Peter Holt, provides his insight into the taxable payment reporting systems, including why the systems are in place, which businesses need to report and what is required to comply with the reporting obligations.

[27 minutes] [0.45 CPD hours]

Presented By

Peter Holt
Australian Taxation Office

CPD Information

0.45 CPD Hours

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