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Individual Podcasts

GST Structuring: Maximising Opportunities in Property Development

Proper structuring for the purposes of the GST Act can result in cost savings both in terms of GST and transfer duty. This podcast provides tips and ideas for minimising GST and duty liability through careful planning of a property development, including use of the margin scheme a


About the Podcast

Proper structuring for the purposes of the GST Act can result in cost savings both in terms of GST and transfer duty. This podcast provides tips and ideas for minimising GST and duty liability through careful planning of a property development, including use of the margin scheme and when it is beneficial to acquire property as a going concern

Featuring: Scott McGill, Pitcher Partners, Sydney

34 minutes / 0.57 CPD hours

Presented By

Scott McGill
Partner, Pitcher

CPD Information

0.57 CPD Hours

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