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All in the Family: Drafting Enforceable Financial Agreements Between Family Members

Financial agreements are often seen by advisers to wealthy family groups as a key component of an estate and succession plan these days. However if the requirements for a financial agreement to be binding are not complied with, or there are vitiating factors resulting in the agree


About the Podcast

Financial agreements are often seen by advisers to wealthy family groups as a key component of an estate and succession plan these days. However if the requirements for a financial agreement to be binding are not complied with, or there are vitiating factors resulting in the agreement being set aside, the whole estate planning strategy may be imperilled. In this program, Geoff Wilson, from HopgoodGanim Lawyers in Brisbane, provides a guide to, the role of financial agreements in estate and succession planning, the reasons why an agreement may fail to achieve its’ purpose, and the strategies and processes that need to be adopted in advising clients, and drafting financial agreements, to minimise the risks of the agreement being unenforceable.

47 minutes / 0.78 CPD units

Presented By

Geoff Wilson
HopgoodGanim Lawyers

CPD Information

0.78 CPD Hours

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