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Individual Podcasts

Water Rights - Key Issues When Buying Land (Qld)

Water rights and entitlements can be an important component of a conveyancing transaction in Queensland. In this program, Sharon O’Toole, from MSJA Queensland Lawyers in Brisbane, provides a guide to the types of water rights that lawyers need to be aware of, and best practice and


About the Podcast

Water rights and entitlements can be an important component of a conveyancing transaction in Queensland. In this program, Sharon O’Toole, from MSJA Queensland Lawyers in Brisbane, provides a guide to the types of water rights that lawyers need to be aware of, and best practice and risk management in assigning or transferring the water rights and entitlements.

23 minutes / 0.38 CPD units

Presented By

Sharon O'Toole
MSJA Lawyers

CPD Information

0.38 CPD Hours

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