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Individual Podcasts

Avoiding SMSF Trust Deed Disasters

The trust deed should underpin the trustees’ actions. It is essential that the deed meets the requirements of the fund and addresses bespoke fund management requirements. However, many trustees have a ‘set and forget’ attitude towards the trust deed. This podcast examines how to e


About the Podcast

The trust deed should underpin the trustees’ actions. It is essential that the deed meets the requirements of the fund and addresses bespoke fund management requirements. However, many trustees have a ‘set and forget’ attitude towards the trust deed. This podcast examines how to ensure the trust deed is valid and supports the SMSF’s strategies.

Featuring: Nathan Yii, Nathan Yii Lawyers, Melbourne

37 minutes / 0.62 CPD hours

Presented By

Nathan Yii
Principal Lawyer, Chartered Tax Advisor and SMSF Specialist Advisor, Nathan Yii Lawyers Melbourne, Vic

Nathan Yii is the Principal Lawyer, Chartered Tax Advisor and an accredited SMSF Specialist AdvisorTM of the Melbourne based legal practice, Nathan Yii Lawyers. He is a graduate of Melbourne Law School and holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and a Master of Laws. He is a leading structuring and estate planning lawyer, a university lecturer and presenter and is recognised in Doyles’ Guide as a Preeminent Wills, Estates & Succession Planning Lawyer and a Leading Wills & Estates Litigation Lawyer in Victoria in 2021.

Nathan takes a strategic approach to legal practice and focuses on tax-effective solutions, estate planning, asset protection, SMSF compliance and trusts, estates and SMSF disputes. He works with and consults to high net worth individuals, family offices, legal and non-legal professionals and their clients.

Nathan is a regular presenter in his areas of interest and expertise and regularly presents for legal and accounting CPD providers and discussion groups around Australia. He is also an adjunct lecturer and advisory committee board member for the Estate Planning Practice Specialisation in the Master of Laws program at the College of Law.

CPD Information

0.62 CPD Hours

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