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Individual Podcasts

CGT Events in Practice

When considering CGT, tax advisers have a tendency to assume that all disposals give rise to CGT Event A1. In truth, many are not, and the rules and concessions which apply to A1 may apply differently. This podcast will cover some of the lesser known CGT events and explain the ru


About the Podcast

When considering CGT, tax advisers have a tendency to assume that all disposals give rise to CGT Event A1. In truth, many are not, and the rules and concessions which apply to A1 may apply differently. This podcast will cover some of the lesser known CGT events and explain the rules that apply to them.

Featuring: Anna Berryman, BDO (QLD), Brisbane

29 minutes / 0.5 CPD hours

Presented By

Anna Berryman
Partner, BDO

CPD Information

0.48 CPD Hours

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