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Individual Podcasts

The Role of the Taxation Ombudsman

The Inspector-General of Taxation is an independent role that aims to improve the administration of taxation laws by identifying issues and providing recommendations to the government. The role also extends to the Taxation Ombudsman function, helping address complaints about the


About the Podcast

The Inspector-General of Taxation is an independent role that aims to improve the administration of taxation laws by identifying issues and providing recommendations to the government. The role also extends to the Taxation Ombudsman function, helping address complaints about the administrative actions of the ATO and TPB. In this podcast, Robyn Thomas, Senior Investigator – Taxation Complaints Review from the Office of Inspector General of Taxation Taxation Ombudsman, provides insight into the role of the Tax Ombudsman and the services available to tax practitioners.

38 minutes / 0.6 CPD hours

Presented By

Robyn Thomas
Senior Associate, Balazs

CPD Information

0.63 CPD Hours

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