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Individual Podcasts

Ensuring Tax Treatment Complies with the Trust Deed

Successful audit activity by the ATO in relation to trusts is often the result of a particular tax treatment not complying with the terms of the trust deed. This podcast examines the key areas to improve your understanding of how the tax treatment interacts with the trust deed. F


About the Podcast

Successful audit activity by the ATO in relation to trusts is often the result of a particular tax treatment not complying with the terms of the trust deed. This podcast examines the key areas to improve your understanding of how the tax treatment interacts with the trust deed.

Featuring: Tess Jager, McCullough Robertson Lawyers, Brisbane

34 minutes / 0.6 CPD hours

Presented By

Tess Jager
Lawyer, McCullough

CPD Information

0.57 CPD Hours

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