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Individual Podcasts

Proceed with Caution: Property Purchases by SMSF`s (NSW)

Property investments by a trustee of a self-managed superannuation fund are often seen as safe and secure, but advisers to fund trustees needed to ensure that the regulatory requirements are met as the results of non-compliance can be disastrous. In this program Brent Connor, fr


About the Podcast

Property investments by a trustee of a self-managed superannuation fund are often seen as safe and secure, but advisers to fund trustees needed to ensure that the regulatory requirements are met as the results of non-compliance can be disastrous. In this program Brent Connor, from registered superannuation fund auditors Balanced Audit and Assurance in Sydney, provides a guide to if, when, and how SMSFs can invest in property, and the regulatory and other risks.

17 minutes / 0.3 CPD units

Presented By

Brent Connor
Balanced Audit & Assurance

CPD Information

0.28 CPD Hours

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