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Individual Podcasts

Unravelling Trusts for Family Lawyers

Family lawyers are increasing encountering in property settlement cases trust structures, particularly discretionary trusts, that are set up by either or both of the parties, and in many cases their families, which are intended to protect assets both in relation to family law proc


About the Podcast

Family lawyers are increasing encountering in property settlement cases trust structures, particularly discretionary trusts, that are set up by either or both of the parties, and in many cases their families, which are intended to protect assets both in relation to family law proceedings and otherwise. In this program, Malcolm Gittoes-Caesar, from Coleman Greig Lawyers in Sydney, looks at the issues and dilemmas facing family lawyers in determining whether to make a claim that such trust assets are the property of a party, including taking steps to obtaining disclosure of trust structures and finances, and applying for the joinder of trustees.

28 minutes / 0.5 CPD units

Presented By

Malcolm Gittoes-Caesar
Coleman Greig Lawyers

CPD Information

0.47 CPD Hours

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