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Individual Podcasts

ATO Insights: ATO Assistance

Whilst taxes are one of the two certainties in life, the tax laws themselves are far from certain. This means that regardless of the extent of care you have taken to comply with the tax laws, your tax treatment of a matter is not beyond challenge by the ATO. This podcast provides


About the Podcast

Whilst taxes are one of the two certainties in life, the tax laws themselves are far from certain. This means that regardless of the extent of care you have taken to comply with the tax laws, your tax treatment of a matter is not beyond challenge by the ATO. This podcast provides some practical tips on this issue.

Featuring: Assistant Commissioner Leigh McCarthy from ATO Review and Dispute Resolution, Brisbane

21 minutes / 0.35 CPD units

Presented By

Leigh McCarthy
Australian Taxation Office

CPD Information

0.35 CPD Hours

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