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Not Such a Super Idea? Relationship Breakdown and Super

Superannuation splitting is often an important aspect of family law property settlement cases these days as a considerable part of the parties’ wealth can be tied up in superannuation, and indeed can sometimes by the parties’ only assets. In this program, Jacky Campbell, from Fort


About the Podcast

Superannuation splitting is often an important aspect of family law property settlement cases these days as a considerable part of the parties’ wealth can be tied up in superannuation, and indeed can sometimes by the parties’ only assets. In this program, Jacky Campbell, from Forte Family Lawyers in Melbourne, provides a guide to technical aspects of obtaining and implementing a superannuation split, including the complications that can arise when the superannuation is held in a self-managed fund, and the right of fund trustees to procedural fairness.

30 minutes / 0.5 CPD units

Presented By

Jacqueline Campbell
Forte Family Lawyers

CPD Information

0.50 CPD Hours

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