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Safe as Houses? Tips and Traps in Acting for an Owner Builder Vendor (VIC)

Acting for an owner builder vendor in Victoria brings with it significant challenges, particularly as the conveyancer is generally only instructed once the works on the property have been completed by the owner builder. In this program, Martin Galea, from Tick Box Conveyancing in


About the Podcast

Acting for an owner builder vendor in Victoria brings with it significant challenges, particularly as the conveyancer is generally only instructed once the works on the property have been completed by the owner builder. In this program, Martin Galea, from Tick Box Conveyancing in Melbourne, provides a guide to the regulatory regime that applies to owner builders, what building work is caught by the regime, the duties and obligations of vendor owner builders, and penalties for non-compliance.

28 minutes / 0.5 CPD units

Presented By

Martin Galea
Licensed Conveyancer, Tick

CPD Information

0.47 CPD Hours

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