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Individual Podcasts

Parenting Orders for Children with Special Needs

In parenting cases the challenges facing the Court in determining the best interests of a child can be even greater than usual where the child has special needs. In this program, Adam Bak, from Farrer Gesini Dunn in Canberra, provides a guide to what are special needs, and the que


About the Podcast

In parenting cases the challenges facing the Court in determining the best interests of a child can be even greater than usual where the child has special needs. In this program, Adam Bak, from Farrer Gesini Dunn in Canberra, provides a guide to what are special needs, and the questions and issues that practitioners need to consider when taking instructions, preparing applications, conducting the case (including preparing and presenting evidence) and drafting proposed orders in a parenting case where the child or children have special needs.

31 minutes / 0.5 CPD units

Presented By

Adam Bak
Director, Farrar

CPD Information

0.52 CPD Hours

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