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Individual Podcasts

Estate Planning for Clients with Assets in Multiple Jurisdictions

Advising a Will making client who has assets in multiple jurisdictions, or where the potential beneficiaries are in different jurisdictions, raises a range of complex issues that need to be taken in account in advising the client and drafting the Will. In this program Bryan Mitche


About the Podcast

Advising a Will making client who has assets in multiple jurisdictions, or where the potential beneficiaries are in different jurisdictions, raises a range of complex issues that need to be taken in account in advising the client and drafting the Will. In this program Bryan Mitchell from Mitchell Solicitors and Business Advisers in Brisbane, provides, through case studies and court decisions, a guide to the issues that can arise and possible solutions.

29 minutes / 0.5 CPD units


Presented By

Bryan Mitchell
Principal, Mitchells Solicitors Brisbane, QLD

Bryan Mitchell TEP FTI is the managing director of Mitchells Solicitors. He is an Accredited Specialist in Succession Law. Bryan & his firm are recognised in Doyle’s Guide as leaders in Estate Planning and Estate Litigation in Australia. His practice works almost exclusively in the areas of Wills, Estates, Trusts & Elder Law. Bryan is a regular presenter. He is the recipient of the Society of Trust & Estates (“STEP”) Australia Masters Award 2023; immediate past Chair of STEP Australia; former Chair of STEP Queensland; Deputy Chair for the Queensland Law Society (“QLS”) Succession Law Policy Committee; Deputy Chair of the QLS Succession Law Specialist Accreditation Advisory Committee and member of University of Queensland Law School Advisory Board.

CPD Information

0.48 CPD Hours

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