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Individual Podcasts

Ink on the Wedding Dress: Ticking Time Bombs in Financial Agreements

It has become increasingly complicated for family lawyers to act for a party in relation to a financial agreement. Practitioners now must also try to predict the future of legislative reform and trends in case law to ensure the financial agreement in question can withstand the tes


About the Podcast

It has become increasingly complicated for family lawyers to act for a party in relation to a financial agreement. Practitioners now must also try to predict the future of legislative reform and trends in case law to ensure the financial agreement in question can withstand the test of time and future judicial scrutiny. If something is overlooked, it may not only result in major litigation but also a professional negligence claim against the practitioners involved. In this program, Jacky Campbell, partner of Forte Family Lawyers in Melbourne and consultant editor and contributing author of Wolters Kluwer and CCH Australian Family Law and Practice, looks at some recent cases to see how the family law courts across Australia have been dealing with some of the trickier issues that arise from financial agreements.

30 minutes / 0.5 CPD units

Presented By

Jacqueline Campbell
Forte Family Lawyers

CPD Information

0.50 CPD Hours

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