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Individual Podcasts

All Abroad: Navigating Overseas Assets in Family Law

Family law property proceedings these days increasingly involve disputes over assets located overseas, which can create major challenges in identifying and pursuing such assets. In this program, Jacob Clancy, from Clancy Triado in Melbourne, looks at the issues that can arise in s


About the Podcast

Family law property proceedings these days increasingly involve disputes over assets located overseas, which can create major challenges in identifying and pursuing such assets. In this program, Jacob Clancy, from Clancy Triado in Melbourne, looks at the issues that can arise in such disputes, including jurisdictional issues, problems of identification and disclosure of the assets, when court orders will be enforceable in the foreign jurisdictions, and what practical steps and strategies can be adopted for advising clients and pursuing the assets in such cases.

30 minutes / 0.5 CPD units

Presented By

Jacob Clancy
Associate, Clancy

CPD Information

0.50 CPD Hours

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