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Individual Podcasts

Trustee Discretion: Understanding the Limits of Power

The powers of trustees in discretionary trusts deeds to make distributions of income and capital are generally unfettered, but as recent cases show this does not mean that a Court will not intervene in extreme cases. In this program, Carolyn Sparkle QC, from the Victorian Bar, rev


About the Podcast

The powers of trustees in discretionary trusts deeds to make distributions of income and capital are generally unfettered, but as recent cases show this does not mean that a Court will not intervene in extreme cases. In this program, Carolyn Sparkle QC, from the Victorian Bar, reviews the recent cases where the court has been willing to intervene to overturn trustees’ discretionary decisions, and even remove trustees, best practice in exercising trustee discretions, and the extent of any right of beneficiaries to access trust documents.

39 minutes / 0.6 CPD units

Presented By

Carolyn Sparke QC
Victorian Bar, Melbourne

CPD Information

0.65 CPD Hours

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