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Individual Podcasts

Understanding and Preparing for Dispute Resolution in the FCFCOA

The establishment of the new Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia last year brought with it a renewed focus on dispute resolution in family law matters. While dispute resolution has long been encouraged, it is now an essential part of case management requirements. Parti


About the Podcast

The establishment of the new Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia last year brought with it a renewed focus on dispute resolution in family law matters. While dispute resolution has long been encouraged, it is now an essential part of case management requirements. Parties and practitioners must now certify they have complied with the requirements at various stages throughout the proceedings. In this program, Kathleen Coggins, accredited family law specialist and partner of HopgoodGanim in Brisbane, looks at the new dispute resolution requirements and how practitioners can ensure they, and their clients, comply.

38 minutes / 0.6 CPD units

Presented By

Kathleen Coggins
HopgoodGanim Lawyers

CPD Information

0.63 CPD Hours

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