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Individual Podcasts

Don't Ask Don't Tell: Identifying and Protecting Organisational Know-How and Trade Secrets

Confidential information, including trade secrets and know-how, can be among an organisation’s most valuable assets, requiring careful attention be given to how and when such information can be protected. In this program, Dr Anton Hughes from Maurice Byers Chambers in Sydney, look


About the Podcast

Confidential information, including trade secrets and know-how, can be among an organisation’s most valuable assets, requiring careful attention be given to how and when such information can be protected. In this program, Dr Anton Hughes from Maurice Byers Chambers in Sydney, looks at the options available for protecting confidential information, including practical tips on drafting contract terms, patent protection compared with protection of trade secrets, and the efficacy of bring actions for breach of confidence.

27 minutes / 0.4 CPD units

Presented By

Anton Hughes

CPD Information

0.45 CPD Hours

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