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GST Free Farmland: More to it Than Meets the Eye

Selling the farm can avail the participating parties to the GST free farmland concession. However, there is more to it than just opting for the concession to apply. There are conditions for both buyer and seller and when those conditions include future use, there are bound to be


About the Podcast

Selling the farm can avail the participating parties to the GST free farmland concession. However, there is more to it than just opting for the concession to apply. There are conditions for both buyer and seller and when those conditions include future use, there are bound to be uncertainties. This podcast explores the GST free farmland rules to assist practitioners in getting it right, along with a heads up on what can go wrong.

Featuring: Aaron Chisholm, MinterEllison, Melbourne

31 minutes / 0.5 CPD hours

Presented By

Aaron Chisholm
Associate, Minter Ellison Melbourne, Vic

Aaron has specialist expertise advising clients on Australian GST and state taxes issues (including stamp duty, land tax, windfall gains tax and Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution).

Spanning a wide range of industries, including commercial and residential property, energy and resources, construction and funds management, Aaron regularly advises on various property-related transactions, projects and developments across Australia as well as advising both listed and unlisted clients in high-profile mergers and acquisitions.  Aaron has also advised a number of government clients on GST and state taxes issues.

More broadly, Aaron provides domestic and international clients with legal and commercial advice to assist them in the conduct and development of their business and assist them in their dealings with State and Federal revenue authorities.

CPD Information

0.52 CPD Hours

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