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Individual Podcasts

A Room with a View: Rural Perspectives in Family Law Settlements

There is a degree of sentimentality often associated with farming properties, particularly if they have been in a family for generations. However, are farming and rural properties treated any differently when it comes to determining the property settlement entitlements of parties


About the Podcast

There is a degree of sentimentality often associated with farming properties, particularly if they have been in a family for generations. However, are farming and rural properties treated any differently when it comes to determining the property settlement entitlements of parties following the breakdown of a relationship? In this program, Pippa Colman, Director of Pippa Colman Associates Law Practice takes a closer look at how courts have treated farming properties in family law property settlement matters and the current approach adopted by the courts.

23 minutes / 0.4 CPD units

Presented By

Pippa Colman
Director, Pippa

CPD Information

0.38 CPD Hours

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