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Individual Podcasts

Binding Agreements and Correct Remedy for Breach? - Some Property Chestnuts (Victoria)

Disputes and litigation over property transactions often occur time and time again for the same reasons. In this program, Richard Skopal, from Blue Rock Law in Melbourne, provides a guide to two such sources of property disputes and litigation. First, when is a preliminary Head


About the Podcast

Disputes and litigation over property transactions often occur time and time again for the same reasons. In this program, Richard Skopal, from Blue Rock Law in Melbourne, provides a guide to two such sources of property disputes and litigation. First, when is a preliminary Heads of Agreement binding, and second, what and when are the main remedies that may be available to an innocent party where there is a breach of a property contract, and when and how should these remedies be utilised.

36 minutes / 0.6 CPD units

Presented By

Richard Skopal
BlueRock Law

CPD Information

0.60 CPD Hours

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