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Individual Podcasts

The Trouble with Adverse Action Claims

Prior to the introduction of the Fair Work Act, adverse action protection was limited to genuine industrial relations protection. Despite concerns raised at the time, the Fair Work Act dramatically changed the legislative framework and processes for determining these claims. The


About the Podcast

Prior to the introduction of the Fair Work Act, adverse action protection was limited to genuine industrial relations protection. Despite concerns raised at the time, the Fair Work Act dramatically changed the legislative framework and processes for determining these claims. The transition has not been smooth and despite being 13 years later it remains unclear and can be difficult to navigate. Here to explain what lawyers practicing in this area should be alive to is Jamie Wells, partner of Workplace Relations, Employment and Safety at Mills Oakley in Brisbane.

30 minutes / 0.5 CPD units

Presented By

Jamie Wells
Partner, King Wood & Mallesons Brisbane, Qld

CPD Information

0.50 CPD Hours

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